Escape rooms are not the first thing people think of when planning a date night but maybe they should be! While all your friends cram into a crowded restaurant or sit next to each other not talking for two hours at the movies because they feel obligated to, you can be out doing something way more interesting- an escape room! These are the top five reasons an escape room adventure is the perfect date night.
1. It’s Unique!
This weekend, like many other weekends, couples around the world will plan a date night. The most common date night consists of dinner and/or a movie. I love dinner and a movie- it’s practical (i like food!) and it’s usually pretty relaxing. But, we’ve all done it! Mix things up this weekend and take a more adventurous route. Spend the evening immersed in a situation that requires you to think fast, communicate, and laugh your way through the night- you may even learn something new about your partner! First date? Perfect, say goodbye to those awkward silences at dinner, an escape room is the perfect ice-breaker. While your friends spend an hour waiting for a table at an overcrowded restaurant you will be spending that time escaping an Alien Ship or that Evil time-traveling professor đŸ˜‰
2. It’s better to spend money on experiences not material things… science says so!
Studies have shown that we get more happiness from experiences than we do from things. Purchasing things does make us happy- but only for a short time. Our experiences make up much more of who we are than the things we own and we also bond with others more if we experience things together like an escape room or a vacation than we do if we both have a Pandora bracelet. Experiences give us great memories, a way to bond with those around us, and a story to tell.
3. Escape rooms are exciting!
The thrill of the hunt, the confidence boost from solving a problem, the adrenaline rush of beating the clock by mere seconds, laughing at yourself and each other, all aspects of a date at an escape room. There will not be a dull moment on this night out!
4. Leads to great conversation
Ever have that awkwardly quiet ride home after dinner because there’s nothing left to talk about? Or, if you’re like me and have been married for a while you’ve instituted the “No talking about kids or work tonight- it’s a date!” but then you just talk about kids and work because that’s what’s going on in your lives. That rule may actually hold up after an escape room experience! After our first escape room my husband and i literally talked about it the entire time at lunch and it came up multiple times throughout the rest of the day. We STILL talk about our first escape room from time to time. So if you need a conversation boost or conversation starter going to an escape room with your significant other is the perfect solution!
5. Sharpens those communication skills
Communicating is key when working your way through an escape room. Really, it’s sort of forced on the participants to communicate with one another but in neutral territory so no one feels pressure from the other players- it’s the room haha! This makes for a great ice-breaker for first dates or new couples and a good communication tune-up for couples who have been together for a long time.
We also happen to be located right across the street from some of the greatest bars and restaurants Wilmington, NC has to offer…

Make it group date night!